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Vote for GICI!

We have good news and a quick favour to ask you. GICI has made it to the final round of the Potentia Unsung Heroes Charity contest for $10,000—we submitted a video and now it’s up to the public to decide the winner.

We would be incredibly grateful if you could take one minute to head to Facebook and vote for GICI!

We have found the format and spacing on the voting page a bit confusing but you click the “VOTE” button below our video (which is the last video on the page) and enter your email address. We have also noticed that Potentia's Facebok page does not seem to work well on mobile devices so it's easiest to do from a PC. If your link isn't working, you can follow the top post on our Facebook page.

We would also really appreciate if you could share the message to your friends and family and encourage them to vote! We think GICI epitomises an "unsung hero" charity and $10,000 could help us make a real difference.

Thank you so much for your support!