You are not alone in your journey. Listening to others who have been through, or are going through, a similar experience to you, and hearing about how they manage to get through the toughest times, can be reassuring and give you back a sense of control in your life.
Support groups are a forum for people affected by cancer to come together in a supportive environment to share their lived experience and feelings. Support groups provide an opportunity to connect with peers to provide shared insight, learnings and support.
Support groups may involve discussions from the impact of diagnosis, accessing treatment and services, to understanding how to manage symptoms, live better and build strength.
Some people in the support group may have had their diagnosis for a lot longer than you and feel comfortable talking about their experiences, whereas some may have only recently received their diagnosis. Wherever you are in your journey, if you don’t feel like talking you can just listen to start with and participate more when you feel comfortable.
Some of the many reasons to join include:
encouragement, optimism and inspiration
receiving and providing others with support
gaining relief from feelings of fear and depression
avoiding feeling isolated and alone
feeling cared for – it’s like being part of a family
meeting others who are going through the same thing as you
talking it through so you feel less anxious about your cancer
asking questions and discussing your concerns
learning more about cancer.
There are many different types of support groups. Some are for those living with cancer, some are for carers, some are group sessions for carers and those living with cancer, and some are aimed at teenagers and children.
Support groups can also come in a variety of different formats, for example in-person, online or on the phone. Choose the forum that you feel most comfortable with and which suits your circumstances.
To find support groups in your area, see the following sections
Patient Support Groups | Rōpū tautoko tūroro
Carer Support Groups | Rōpū tautoko Pou Āwhina

To find support groups in your area, see our pages on:
Patient Support Groups | Rōpū tautoko tūroro
Carer Support Group | Rōpū tautoko Pou Āwhina